LUCKY teaches us about RESPONSIBILITY & taking ownership of our actions, and she also teaches us about FORGIVENESS.
BELLE teaches HONESTY. She helps us learn that we don't need to lie or exaggerate because our TRUTH is ENOUGH.
ELVIS teaches us about RESPECT and about NOT JUDGING others based on looks. He and his family teach us about ADVOCACY.
Lala teaches us about COURAGE, about following our gut and about truly SEEING without using our eyes.
Lalo and Lyla teach about GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION and the importance of welcoming new students.
Freddie & Ferris inspire us to believe in ourselves, to have a "can do" attitude, and that our abilities do not define us.
Calista inspires us to love ourselves and everyone on earth. She teaches about the power of KINDNESS. Calista sprinkles kindness everywhere she goes.
Monty and Matilda teach us about the MIRACLE OF LOVE and the importance of being a good friend to ourselves as well as to others.
June Bug lived on the streets of Thailand before finding her forever family here in Chino CA. She inspires us to have EMPATHY and COMPASSION.
Ginger has always been in a loving family, she has never gone to bed without a warm blanket, a full tummy, and a kiss goodnight. Ginger is ALWAYS KIND and INCLUSIVE. She introduces kids to being an ALLY.
Leaf and his friends teach us that DIFFERENCES are beautiful. Their mom Cynthia says that her dogs are the most beautiful and fun dogs ever!! It is safe to say that the children all agree.
Vedder teaches us about GRATITUDE - to be thankful for our gifts as well as finding reasons to be grateful for our challenges.